Diet, Activity for Healthy Lifestyle

         Chocolate or fruit or both


Type 2 diabetes/Arthritis/Body aches/ Muscular pains/ Osteoarthritis /spondylitis /Osteoporosis /Persistent infections/ regular sickness are mostly caused by poor diet & lifestyle choices.

Improving Diet & Healthy Lifestyle can help reverse many chronic illnesses.

Obesity, Diabetes - type 2 / adult or early age onset type curable without medications 

Diet & Lifestyle management needed - low calorie diet, salads, exercises and plenty of physical activities.........reduced sedentary lifstyle

Reverse diabetes / obesity even if from many years and those on insulin by low calorie diet with plenty of veg fruit raw salads and regular exercise.....

Each meal or snacks having -------- More Raw food upto 1 kg per day as salads with salt, chilies and spices, plenty of water upto 5 litres per day for adults 


very little of cooked food, that too low oil vegetarian diet.......Reverses obesity and diabetes

'It's a lifestyle change you're going to have to make, and if you don't you'll be heading up the scale to full diabetes and taking tablets insulin every day ........

People can reverse their type 2 diabetes by going on a strict 900-calorie-a-day ......reduce caloires by increasing Raw salads and Water, with little low oil vegan diet

No deep fried Veg and animal based products like Milk, Eggs and Nonveg

Food Processing / Cooking Bad.....most can be eaten raw as salads

Cooking damages natural mineral, vitamins, protiens, carbohydrates, fats and micronutrients essential for body repair and health

Motivation and sustenance of healthy eating and lifestyle is the key

Walking for 3 minutes every half an hour, few minutes every hour, standing more at work or while on phone help improve blood sugar levels in Type 1 Diabetes and health

The reality is simple ways of encouraging moving more through the day should benefit the vast majority of people.

Should we be eating  less cooked food........Yes

Giving our bodies at least 12 hours a day without food allows our digestive system to rest, as hunger is often a psychological sensation, not a food need.

Fasting improves our glycaemic response, smaller blood glucose increase allows you to store less fat in the body.

Eat often but less late morning as breakfast was industrial concept for labor job.........try to not eat too late or early and try to not have huge we need fewer calories to be healthy....

The worrying puzzle behind the rise in early-onset cancer

More and more patients having no obvious genetic predisposition, due to lack of good quality sleep, "Western diet", high in ultra-processed foods obesity, pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, sedentary habits are multifactorial factors driving early-onset cancer.

Eating meat raise the risk of diabetes

NONVEG food, Meats from diets results in cancer, arthritis, heart disease and stroke and diabetes,  diseases on the rise worldwide.

Protein powders: Avoid it...Why??

Ideally Natural food is the best for us, and yet we still don't know exactly why...... 

We look to our food to get everything we need before turning to supplements. 

Older people don't need to eat as much protein as was previously thought.

Consuming protein powder won't actually build muscle unless you combine it with resistance exercise.

Eat fibre first – and ditch the juice: five quick and easy tips for a much healthier meal

Choose high-quality, non-meat protein

This can be grains, legumes, fungi or sustainable seafood sources.

Breakfast, washed down with a glass of orange juice, pushed my blood sugar to diabetic levels and I quickly changed the menu. 

For cold drinks, avoid fruit juices and soft drinks. Opt instead for  Black tea or coffee with chopped salads.

Adding mixed nuts and seeds to plain natural yoghurt with some polyphenol-rich berries is a great way to enjoy a nutritious breakfast that won’t spike your blood sugar.

Blueberries for breakfast won’t spike your blood sugar.

Natural yoghurt is also a great way to introduce probiotics to your diet so, if you want to give your yoghurt an extra probiotic boost but don't cook or juice it.

Another easy way to include more fermented foods every day is to use miso paste, rather than stock cubes, to add flavour and umami to your dishes. Simply stir a teaspoon of miso into your pasta sauce or into your steamed greens or to add flavour to a fish recipe.

Finally, swapping white rice and white pasta with whole grains is an easy win. Replace white rice with pearled barley, choose buckwheat over couscous (which is just mini pasta balls), and enjoy spelt spaghetti instead of plain white spaghetti, keeping your favourite dishes but making them more nutritious with these simple tweaks.

Add colour to your plate

The colours in our plants are there thanks to chemicals called polyphenols, also known as phytonutrients. 

These chemicals are produced by plants to protect themselves against environmental stressors, including drought, cold weather, hot weather, insects and parasites

Cancer patients more at risk of second illness

Related to smoking, obesity and alcohol consumption, poor lifestyle - established risk factors for various cancers - were more common among more deprived groups. 

Meditate to beat stress blood pressure

People should try to meditate for around 45 minutes every day to cut stress-related high blood pressure, say new guidelines.

Other tips from the International Society of Hypertension include taking time out to listen to music, doing yoga and practicing mindfulness.

Established medical advice - quit smoking and cut down on salt - still stands.

But experts say newer "body and mind" lifestyle goals can be recommended.

Taking your mind off the daily grind has an important and cumulative stress-busting effect on your mind and heart, says Prof Williams.

Other good habits are staying physically active and getting enough sleep - you might want to use fitness gadgets and apps to track your steps, sleep and progress, the advice says.

Prof Williams, a specialist at University College London, said: "It's not just the duration of sleep but it's also the quality of sleep. And the evidence suggests that most people should be trying to achieve seven hours of good quality sleep to try and reduce the effects of the stress of not sleeping and not decompressing."

Gut health is important too - and taking probiotics and eating plenty of fibre is a good idea

"Eating more fruit and vegetables and regular exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing, also lowers blood pressure by reducing blood vessel stiffness so blood can flow more easily........our lifestyles can influence our blood pressure.

The benefits of intermittent fasting...... or low calorie vegan salad diet 

“If you can make the informed decision of eating the evening meal an hour earlier and not snacking, you may be getting into that ketosis state by morning.....helps for removing fat from body.

Autophagy induced by fasting occurs in our sleep, but it is also brought on by exercise and starvation. 

Water can cut hunger well.

Variety of eating patterns having whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, reduce morbidity and premature death

Obesity, smoking linked to cancer....

Higher obesity rates in Black, Asian and mixed-heritage compared with white primary-age children could lead to a rise in cancers  

Equal access to stop-smoking services and advice on how to manage weight, as well as early diagnosis and treatment, was essential to improve survival from the disease, she added.

The analysis found white people in England more than twice as likely to develop skin cancer (melanoma), oesophageal, bladder and lung cancers than Black, Asian or mixed-heritage people.

Skin cancer is more common because white-skinned people are more likely to burn and cause damage to their skin in the sun.

But black people are more likely to develop stomach and liver cancers.

Lower levels of smoking among most black and Asian groups is one reason they are at lower risk of some lifestyle cancers - such as bowel, breast and lung - than white people, the study suggests.

No amount of alcohol is safe for drinking, warns WHO

Read more at:

Why outdoor exercises/activity is good for your gut bacteria 

The rich microbiota flourishing inside us may play a far greater role in the way exercise improves our health than previously thought. 

A lower diversity of these gut residents has been seen in patients suffering from obesity, cardiometabolic diseases as well as autoimmune conditions. 

Certain diseases have been associated with too many or too few of particular species of bacteria in our gut. Lower than normal levels of one of the most abundant bacteria in the guts of healthy adults, a rod-shaped bacterium called Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, has been associated with inflammatory diseases.

Numerous factors – including our genes, the types of medication we take, the stress we are under, if we smoke and what we eat – can all interplay to alter the balance of microorganisms in our gut. The make-up of this internal community is, in fact, highly dynamic.

But just as simple lifestyle choices can alter our gut microbes, so can we make choices that will help them flourish in a healthier way. Eating a diverse diet consisting of more than 30 different plant foods per week can help

A good night’s sleep and lower levels of stress can also be beneficial. Surprisingly, spending time in nature might also have a positive effect.

It is perhaps more surprising still, however, that exercise can also influence our gut bacteria. While we all know how beneficial exercise is for our physical and mental health, could a post-work jog also be just what we need to keep our gut microbes in shape too?

"Exercise seems to be affecting our gut microbes, by increasing bacterial communities that produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs)", says Jeffrey Woods, a professor of kinesiology and community health at  the  University  of  Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and who studies the effects of exercise on the human body.

"Short chain fatty acids are a type of fatty acids that are primarily produced by microbes and have been shown to modify our metabolism, immunity and other physiological processes,"

Sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits and pollution are the major causesof osteoarthritis cases in youngsters

But you don't have to go to the gym - carrying heavy shopping bags, digging in the garden and yoga with outdoor physical activities all count to prevent cancer and poor health.

Being outdoor and active help you live longer & Healthy 

Vegan diet healthier than eating meat and dairy

Changing your diet could add up to several healthy years to your life

The study created a model of what might happen to a man or woman's longevity if they replaced a "typical Western diet" focused on red meat and processed foods with an "optimized diet" focused on eating less red and processed meat and more fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts. 

If a woman began eating optimally at age 20, she could increase her lifespan by just over 10 years, according to the study published Tuesday in the journal PLOS Medicine. A man eating the healthier diet from age 20 could add 13 years to his life.

Focusing on a healthier diet could also lengthen the lives of older adults, the study said. By starting at age 60, a woman could still increase her lifespan by eight years. Men starting a healthier diet at age 60 might add nearly nine years to their lives.

A model of longer life

To model the future impact of a person's change of diet, researchers from Norway used existing meta-analyses and data from the Global Burden of Disease study, a database that tracks 286 causes of death, 369 diseases and injuries, and 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories around the world.

How to start the Mediterranean diet — meal by meal

The largest gains in longevity were found from eating more legumes, which include beans, peas and lentils; whole grains, which are the entire seed of a plant; and nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans and pistachios, the study found.

It may sound simple to add more plants and grains to your diet, but statistics show that Americans struggle to do so. A new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found few Americans eat close to their daily recommendations of fruits and vegetables

Plant proteins include soybeans (edamame), chickpeas, lentils and other legumes, tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds, and whole grains like quinoa. Some vegetables, like broccoli, also contain higher levels of protein.

The truth about supplements and who should be taking them

Healthy diet with variety of fruits and vegetables as raw salads upto 1 kg per day spiced up with spices along with 5 litres of water and simple vegetarian diet can provide all the nutrition body needs to keep healthy, besides yoga type exercises and being outdoors few hours relaxing or gardening or  socialising for mental health.

Most of us aren’t eating enough fruit and veg and that supplement pills do nothing and you’re wasting your money.... if you can eat healthy.

Plant-based diets good for health

Giving plants the starring role in your diet is good for heart health, a review of four decades of data shows.

Researchers in Denmark showed vegetarian and vegan diets cut levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood.

Cancer cases on the rise: These daily choices are adding to the risk

Stress, Infections, pollution, sedentary lifestyles, excess weight, smoking, tobacco, alcohol, no exercise, Occupational and Environmental hazard Exposures, poor oral hygiene are  important reasons for Cancer........

Lifestyle management is the key for good health.

Eat Less Calories.............even if eating meals 3 times a day

Fast more.......Giving our bodies at least 12 hours a day without food allows our digestive system to rest.

"Having a fasting period every day could reap some of these benefits," she says. "It gets into the idea that fasting puts the body in a different state, where it's more ready to repair and surveil for damage, and clear misfolded proteins." 

Misfolded proteins are faulty versions of ordinary proteins, which are molecules that perform a huge range of important jobs in the body. 

Misfolded proteins have been associated with a number of diseases.  

Having a smaller blood glucose/ fat/ calories/protiens increase allows you to store less fat in the body.

"Our data suggests that having an early dinner and increasing the time of your fasting window increases some positive effects on body, like better glycaemic control," Paoli says.

It's better for all cells to have lower levels of sugar in them because of a process called glycation, Paoli adds. This is where glucose links to proteins and forms compounds called "advanced glycation end products", which can cause inflammation in the body and increase the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

Wouldn't one meal a day leave us feeling hungry? No, unless doing heavy labour manual work

The more we see food or pictures of food, more frequently food would be eaten....

Eating two to three meals a day is best – but with very low calories.

Avoid eating early morning and late night to increase fasting period, for better digestion and health

So, the science seems to say the healthiest way to eat throughout the day is to have two or three meals, with a long fasting window overnight, to not eat too early or too late in the day, and to consume minimum calories with most of it in the day. 

We need fewer calories........reducing back to a light meals, depending on physical labour work should be the driving force.

Most of us don't need as much protein as we eat

Balanced diet of low caloried cooked vegetables with plenty of raw spiced salted peppered salads - fruits/vegetables/green leaves along with plenty of water, yoga exercises and mind relaxation with rest, socially useful and being honest with work & society are key to health.

The health benefits of spending time outdoors range from improved brain function, better physical function, to healthier blood pressure and better sleep

Healthy weight and quitting tobacco can cut the risk of  many cancers.

Urine infections may be a sign of aggressive prostate cancer

Scientists say they have identified urine bacteria which are linked to aggressive prostate cancer.

The discovery might provide new ways to spot and even prevent these dangerous tumours, experts hope.

It's too soon to say if the bacteria might cause the cancer, rather than just be a helpful marker.

The University of East Anglia team which found the link plan more work to see if clearing the infection with antibiotics might prevent bad tumours.

Bacterial infection is known to play a part in the development of other cancers - a bug called H. pylori can trigger stomach cancer, for example, and a course of antibiotics can get rid of this risk.

They identified five types of bacteria which were common in urine and tissue samples from men whose cancers ultimately went on to be aggressive.

All were types of bacteria that can grow without oxygen. Some were brand new types, never found until now.

Two of the new bacteria species found by the team have been named after two of the study's funders - Porphyromonas bobii, after the The Bob Champion Cancer Trust and Varibaculum prostatecancerukia, after Prostate Cancer UK.

Dr Rachel Hurst, one of the research team, said: "Among the things we don't yet know is how people pick up these bacteria, whether they are causing the cancer, or whether a poor immune response permits the growth of the bacteria.

Artificial sweetener intake increases cancer risk: Study

High milk diet 'may increase risk of bone fractures' 

Drinking lots of milk may increase the risk of fracturing bones

When fermented milk products such as yoghurt were considered, the opposite pattern was observed - people who consumed more had a lower risk of fractures

"We know that low calcium intake (less than 400mg a day) is a risk factor for osteoporosis.

"Individuals should still be encouraged to consume a balanced diet from the five key food groups of which milk and dairy are key."

Very important article........Be careful of medical Salesmen..

Most medical treatments offered haven't   through Scientific Agnipareeksha and are Oversold

A well conducted multicentric international study by world class institutions found this recently.

Most of the treatments  aren't adequately validated and important complications never explained...

One may argue about increased lifespan because of medical interventions. But that's not so in majority.

The better lifespan is partly explicable by improvement in public health measures like hygiene, awareness, reasoning science, besides few medical procedures

                                                                                  DEXA scan reports                   

Why exercising doesn't mean you burn calories.... 

Be Active most times and eat healthy salads to lose weight


Common sense led us to believe that humans were programmed to be as physically active.

So more we exercisecise, the more calories we burn......this is wrong concept

Enough calories cannot be burnt with exercise as it has limits.

The best way to lose weight is by eating less calories....less processed food and more Raw SALADS.

Exercise is good for joints with wear-and-tear arthritis

Exercise is good for people with wear-and-tear joint arthritis and should be a "core treatment", new draft guidelines for the NHS advise.

It may hurt to begin with, but can then ease pain and help individuals with osteoarthritis stay supple, healthy and slim, says the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Scans aren't needed to diagnose it and strong painkillers are not recommended.

There is no evidence flushing out the joint by surgery helps either.

Wear and tear

Osteoarthritis is very common - about 7.4 million people in England over the age of 45 have it.

It can happen when the joints become damaged with age and injury. 

Being overweight is another risk factor.

Some people have mild symptoms. For others the pain, stiffness and swelling can be severe.

That can make exercising difficult, but according to the new NICE guidelines, physical activity should be the main treatment - not painkillers.

The charity Arthritis Action said it hoped the guidelines would reassure people with osteoarthritis that exercise is a good intervention.

Spokeswoman Dr Wendy Holden said: "Many wrongly believe that exercise can harm the joints, so this guidance is very important and will hopefully empower patients, and give them more confidence to make healthy lifestyle changes that will really help improve their pain and quality of life."

What helps

Exercise builds muscles and can help people maintain a healthy weight, which is important for managing osteoarthritis.

If there is pain, consider using an anti-inflammatory cream or gel or taking an ibuprofen or similar type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medicine, but not a strong opioid, says the advice.

Arthritis charities are concerned that too many patients are put on painkillers rather than getting the right type of help - whether that is exercise therapy or a timely hip or knee replacement.

"Beginning that journey can be uncomfortable for some people at first, and they should be supported and provided with enough information to help them to manage their condition over a long period of time. 

Keep your waist to less than half your height, guidance says

People should be encouraged to measure their waist to check they don't have too much dangerous fat around their middle, updated guidelines say.

An adult's waist should be less than half their height to reduce health risks, health body NICE recommends.

Measuring body mass index (BMI) is also useful - but doesn't take into account excess weight around the abdomen.

This increases the risk of conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

New draft guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) says people from some Asian and black ethnic groups are more prone to this type of fat build-up around the waist, which is called "central adiposity".

They should use lower BMI thresholds for obesity to help predict their specific health risks.

But NICE warns that even those in a healthy BMI weight category could be carrying too much weight around the waist.

Diabetes 'barely detectable'

In two weeks his type 2 diabetes, which he had had for 17 years, was barely detectable.

And six out of the seven lost 3 kg in 2 weeks.

There are three types - starch, sugar and fibre.

Starch is what we usually understand carbs to mean - foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and rice -

but these "beige" varieties aren't good for you.

Neither are "white" carbs - found in sugary foods such as fizzy drinks, sweets and processed and refined foods including cakes and biscuits.

Most of the starch and sugar in these beige and white carbs are broken down into glucose for energy,

and if you eat too much, the glucose is stored as fat.

Diet tips


Replace with:


But there is another type of carb - dietary fibre, found in fruit and vegetables - what we might call "green carbs".

It keeps you full, slows stomach emptying, and is usually the part of the plant that supplies you with vitamins and minerals.

It's good for your teeth and gums and good for your guts, keeping everything moving and feeding your gut bacteria.

And then there is resistant starch - found in high-fibre foods such as lentils, beans and unprocessed whole grains - is also hard to digest in a good way:

it gets right down into your lower digestive tract (your colon) where its main job is not to feed you but rather to feed your gut bacteria.

Healthy gut bacteria are linked to a wide range of benefits, both physical and mental.

And one other tip - reheating can also turn bad carbs into good -

if you reheat starches like pasta or toasted bread from the freezer....

the molecules reconfigure themselves and become more resistant......

allowing them to travel further in your gut and feed your microbiome.

Diet tip - eat whole grains to reduce type 2 diabetes risk

Consuming whole grains of rye bread or oats daily can prevent the development of Type-2 diabetes.

The study, showed that all whole grain product or cereal the participants ate —

ryebread, oatmeal, and muesli, for example, seem to offer the same protection against Type-2 diabetes.

Type-2 diabetes: 'Weight loss arrests disease for years'

Consuming 850 calories a day for three months and then keeping the weight off can arrest type-2 diabetes for at least two years, a study suggests.

The study report builds on earlier work suggesting weight loss is one key solution and offers more time off medication than previously thought.

"All I could see for the future was continuing to take these pills forever."

When he started the trial diet - consuming only low-calorie shakes every day - he found it very difficult.

But he saw rapid results, dropping from 90kg (14st 2lb) to 73kg in just 12 weeks.

"It gets you to the point where you can take destiny in your own hands."

Two years later, his weight is stable at 77kg.

He exercises regularly and hopes to become a lifestyle coach when he retires.

Can single detoxing help your health....

Its lifestyle change for healthy habits...

When it comes to alcohol...... it’s healthier to avoid it all or as much as possible.

Spending a period of time focussing on eating more fruit and vegetables is of course beneficial for your health too.

A quick fix is not going to work as well as pledging to eat a Mediterranean diet and to exercise for shorttime.

Its a lifestyle change for healthy habits, healthy behavious and healthy eating of lots of salads, water and low oil diet the rest of your life.

But the idea of detox is something many find appealing.

If it feels good to punish yourself to compensate for your over-indulgence, maybe it’s your sins rather than your toxins that you’re keen to wash away. 

But if you can hack it, it’s possible that psychologically, a detox could provide a new start – a break between your old habits and the new ones you’d like to acquire.

However, you need to have a plan for what happens next or your old habits will return.

Perhaps we should think of a detox as more of a metaphor for shedding your old habits, rather than something that flushes impurities from your gut and your organs.

Your body is constantly detoxing itself without special teas, juices or diets.

But you can help it to do its job by eating a healthily diet, drinking water, taking regular exercise and getting the sleep you need.

Time-Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases


Some are advocating a more hardcore approach of forgoing all food for at least 12 hours, and possibly for as long as 14-16 hours overnight.

In a landmark study published in 2012, Panda and his colleagues compared

one set of mice that had access to fatty and sugary foods at any time of day or night

with another group that could only consumed these foods within an 8 to 12-hour window during their “daytime”.

Even though they consumed the same number of calories, the mice whose eating window was restricted appeared to be completely protected from the diseases that began to afflict the other group: obesity, diabetes, heart disease and liver damage.

What’s more, when mice with these illnesses were placed on a time-restricted eating schedule, they became well again.

“Almost every animal, including us, evolved on this planet with a very strong 24-hour rhythm in light and darkness, and the associated rhythms in eating and fasting,” explains Panda.

“We think a major function [of these cycles] is to enable repair and rejuvenation each night.

You cannot repair a highway when the traffic is still moving.”

Human trials of time-restricted eating are just beginning.

For instance, when men with prediabetes eat all their meals between 7 hrs - 8am and 3pm,

their sensitivity to insulin improved and their blood pressure dropped by 10-11 points on average,

compared to when they consumed the same meals within a 12-hour period.

And it’s almost certainly worth fitting a padlock on the fridge overnight.

How to cut your dementia risk

Things to avoid include smoking and alcohol.

Eating a healthy diet is beneficial

Vitamin pills makes not useful.

Brain activity worthwhile.


While there is no treatment that can cure it, there are things people can do to lower their risk of the disease or slow its onset.

Old age is the strongest risk factor but not inevitable consequence of ageing.

Genetics also play a role, but many risk factors are modifiable.

Experts have previously suggested lifestyle changes could prevent around a third of dementia cases.

The guidelines recommend:

1) Exercise - At least 1/2 to 1 hrs of outdoor physical activity daily..... exercise, cycling, or everyday housework

2) Stop smoking

3) Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit is beneficial

4) Don't take vitamin pills - there is no evidence that they help lower dementia risk

5) Avoid alcohol

6) Brain training - activities to challenge the brain beneficial

7) Be social - staying connected with friends is linked with good health and wellbeing

8) Keep a healthy weight, fit and healthy

9) Beware high blood pressure

10) Get treated if you have diabetes

11) Beware high cholesterol

"While we cannot change the genes we inherit, taking the steps outlined in this report can still help to stack the odds in our favour."

"It's estimated a third of dementia cases could be prevented

Prevention would be so much better than a distant cure." 

Dementia: The greatest health challenge of our time

1 in 3 cases could be prevented by lifestyle changes including:

Treat hearing loss in mid-life |

Keep studying and educating

Don't smoke

Avoid depression

Be physically active

Be Social

Avoid high blood pressure

Avoid obesity, type 2 diabetes

They prepare the brain for flexibility and not getting dementia.

"People who are very healthy and take good care of themselves are the group that I would say is most resilient to Alzheimer's disease," says Prof Spires-Jones.

Eating slowly, eat less, chew more and drink more water to lose weight:

More children develop diabetes linked to obesity

A "very concerning climb" in the number of children developing type-2 diabetes, because of high obesity levels and poor diets common in disadvantaged areas.

Childhood obesity will translate into an even greater increase in children with type-2 diabetes in the coming years, a crisis fuelled by long-standing health inequalities and made worse still by impacts of the cost of living crisis. 

Encouraging people to choose healthier food options through introducing calorie labelling in large restaurants, cafes and takeaways, supporting families to help reduce children's overconsumption. 

Type 2 diabetes and the diet that cured.....

When our bodies are deprived of normal amounts of food they consume their own fat reserves, with the fat inside organs used up first.

The idea of diet is to use up the fat that is clogging up the pancreas and preventing it from creating insulin, until normal glucose levels return.

Scientists are cautious, and research is continuing, but evidence is growing that the diet can indeed remove the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

It wasn't easy. Yet water staved off the worst hunger pangs. "If you feel hunger, celebrate the fact with a glass of water, even fizzy water,"

I had stuck to the diet for just 11 days and reduced my blood sugar to a healthy non-diabetic level. It has remained that way for the past seven months.

Diet change could reverse diabetes

Research on animals has shown the condition could be treated with what is called ‘very low calorie diet’ (VLCD).

In a study published online on November 9 in the journal ‘Cell Metabolism’, researchers led by scientists from Yale University found VLCD can rapidly reverse type 2 diabetes in animal models.

The Yale-led team’s study focused on understanding the mechanisms by which caloric restriction rapidly reverses type 2 diabetes,” Science Daily reported.

The team studied very low calorie diet VLCD, consisting of one-quarter the normal intake, on a rodent model with type 2 diabetes.

Researchers tracked metabolic processes that contribute to the increased glucose production by the liver and performed a comprehensive set of analyses of key metabolic fluxes within the liver that could cause insulin resistance and increased rates of glucose production, the two processes that result in increased blood-sugar concentrations.

Researchers found three major mechanisms that explain very low calorie diet VLCD’s dramatic effect of rapidly lowering blood glucose concentrations in diabetic animals.

“In the liver, VLCD lowers glucose production by:

1) decreasing the conversion of lactate and amino acids into glucose;

2) decreasing the rate of liver glycogen conversion to glucose; and

3) decreasing fat content, which in turn improves the liver’s response to insulin.

These positive effects of the VLCD were observed in just three days,” Science Daily reported.

Sleep: 7 - 8 hours daily needed for optimal cognition, mental health and wellbeing

Bad sleep also affects people's mood and behaviour, whether they are young infant or adult. 

These are important early building blocks for cognition, including "cognitive flexibility, emotional well-being, mental health, physical fitness and lowering heart related diseease

Sunshine can slow weight gain and diabetes symptoms'

Lead author, Dr Shelley Gorman, from the Telethon Kids Institute in Perth, Western Australia, said the findings showed that sunshine was an important element of a healthy lifestyle.

"They suggest that casual skin exposure to sunlight, together with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet, may help prevent the development of obesity in children."

"It raises critical questions for us humans - are the effects the same in our children and ourselves, and, if so, can they be applied to prevent obesity, treat metabolic syndrome and save vast amounts of pharmacological treatment? 

Perhaps it is just a little sunshine that we require."

Shane Warne: Do liquid diets work and are they safe?....NO

"Extreme diets are not a sustainable solution for losing weight in the long term, as much of the weight that is lost is likely to be water or lean muscle," Dr Simon Steenson, of the British Nutrition Foundation, says.

"These types of crash diets may also lead to some health risks as well, such as a higher risk of developing gall stones."

Dr Steenson also warns of "weight cycling" - a pattern of losing and regaining weight with fad diets - which can have negative health effects itself.

A better option to lose weight, he says, is to aim for a varied and balanced diet, including lots of fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, beans, nuts and seeds, plus finding ways to be active throughout the day.

Dr Rees recommends removing alcohol, crisps, biscuits and takeaway food from your diet, which are all supplying unwanted calories, rather than focusing on a quick "liquid diet" fix.

And if you have any underlying health conditions, always check with a GP or dietitian before starting a diet.

Carried out in the right way, in suitable people, liquid diets can work - but for most people, they are very difficult to follow and may be unnecessarily risky............risk of diabetes and weight gain due to lack of stiety and overdrinking juices

I've cut out energy be safe from now

Dr Charlie Tomson, kidney specialist and trustee at Kidney Research UK, said that over-consumption of energy drinks, which contain a large amount of caffeine, can cause a rise in blood pressure.

"High blood pressure can cause kidney damage directly, and can also accelerate the progression of pre-existing kidney problems," he said.

"It is that energy drinks can be a direct cause of kidney failure, but of course moderation is key.

He said: "The doctor said it was more than likely that all the energy drinks caused me to have high blood pressure and that caused my kidney failure.

"I liked the taste of them so I didn't think of the consequences. I was just a young, daft laddie.

"They are not good for you, I see that now. Now I only drink water."

Luke has also changed his diet and does not eat processed foods. 

Why I take the stairs at the BBC

Stair climbing is officially classed as "vigorous exercise", burns more calories per minute than jogging and improves cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength.

Apparently you burn one and a half calories for every 10 upward steps and one calorie for every 20 steps down.

Even a small amount of activity can make major health gains, and this is what the population really needs to be taught.

Every action, even a single step on a stair or standing up for a few seconds, can put you on a positive path to better health.

Brain 'can be trained to prefer healthy food'

One study has even found that if you have more plants and flowers around your house you are not only more likely to have a diverse array of bacteria on your skin, you are also less likely to be allergic

Can you make your way to fitness easily achievable?

We drive everywhere, avoid the stairs, pack our houses with labour-saving devices and email colleagues rather than walk down the corridor to talk to them. 

We are a slothful lot and the most common reason given for not doing enough exercise is lack of time.

But what is enough exercise? 

Most health experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week. 

Any activity will help but it has to be moderate, vigorous or high intensity if you really want to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity.

Then we moved outside, to see how much energy they would burn through doing typical outdoor chores like washing the car, cleaning windows, mowing the lawn or planting flowers.

And if you were wondering, one of the best all-round activities seems to be gardening.

Childhood obesity has become a global epidemic, but it is not easy to treat.

Now a scheme proven to help children shed pounds by asking them and their families to make numerous lifestyle changes has been adopted across Denmark.

Sleeping with even low light is harmful for health

Close the blinds, draw the curtains and turn off all the lights before bed because exposure to even moderate ambient lighting during night-time sleep can harm ..

"In addition to sleep, nutrition and exercise, light exposure during the daytime an important factor for health, but during the night we show that even modest intensity of light can impair measures of heart and endocrine health.

Have the Danes cracked childhood obesity?

A typical weight loss programme

The child's doctor creates a tailored plan with 15-20 strategies, which could include:

1 - No crunchy muesli or fruit yoghurts for breakfast - choosing oatmeal, dark brown bread, meat and fish instead

2 - No fast food or white bread for lunch; choose brown bread, meat, fish and vegetables instead

3 - Portions served up in the kitchen - no pots and pans at the dining table

4 - Plate proportions for dinner should be: half vegetables, a quarter brown rice, pasta or potatoes, and a quarter low fat fish or meat

5 - Wait 20 minutes before having second helpings - this allows time for the body to feel full

6 - Feel satisfied after each meal

7 - Only two pieces of fruit per day

8 - Fast food only once a month

9 - Sweets only once a week

10 - Snack only once a week

11 - Limit juice, iced tea, cocoa, soda or lemonade to once weekly - only half a litre in total

12 - Cycle or walk to school

13 - Organised physical activity eg dancing, handball or gymnastics

14 - Free physical activities like walking/biking after school, walking the dog or trampolining

15 - Screen time (television, computer or tablet) limited to two hours per day

16 - No television/computer access until 5pm

17 - Set a regular, early bedtime

The programme requires the whole family to embrace it.

Calorie burner: Stand more, sit less

Walking while working make you live longer and healthier... 

Treadmill desks: How practical are they?

"The health consequences of prolonged sitting... include not only obesity but also hypertension, hyperlipidemia - high cholesterol if you like - cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, poor or low mood, a predisposition to diabetes,"

People of all ages should be encouraged to take more exercise according to a report by England's chief medical officer.

Sir Liam Donaldson says that exercise is a key factor in reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Adults should take 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week, children and young people 60 minutes.

Possible activities include walking to work or mowing the lawn.

How can I cut down on sugar?

"We need to reduce sugar intake but should not swap from sugar to fat", said Prof Susan Jebb of the University of Oxford. 

"A greater proportion of our plate should be fruit and vegetables and more fibre-rich carbohydrates and whole grain."

Health benefits of a vegetarian diet

Waistlines 'grow an inch in a decade' in US

Carrying too much fat around the middle (waist) can increase the risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Amy Thompson, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said more people were carrying extra weight around the middle, including in the UK.

"This increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, but losing weight and reducing your waist size is doable," she said.

"Try cutting down on the calories and getting more active, but don't try to lose weight too quickly.

"Slow and steady weight loss - around 1-2lb [1kg] each week - is healthier."

Sugary drinks warning signs change habits of teenagers

Up to a third of UK children - mostly young teens - consume at least one energy drink a week, while some are having them almost daily, new research suggests.

Those who drink lots may get headaches and sleep problems, warn the authors of a report in the BMJ Open.

High consumption is also linked to worse educational outcomes.

Many shops already stop under-16s from buying the drinks, which can be high in caffeine, sugar and other stimulants.

A single can might contain more caffeine than an espresso.

The findings suggest:

Last year, medics writing in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) warned of the dangers of energy drinks, after a student who drank too many developed heart failure.

The most effective sign said it took five miles to walk off the 250 calories in a sugary drink.

Brain repair 'may be boosted by curry spice'

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

Risk Factors You Can Change

Daily walking for 30 to 45 minutes with or without Walking aids

If you have OA of your hip or knee, when walking try using a cane (walking stick). Hold it in the hand on the opposite side of the body to the affected joint. This takes some pressure off the affected joint and helps to ease symptoms in some cases.

Diet - Vitamins, minerals, calcium should be obtained from natural dietary resources and 

not by 'vitamin tablets/capsules' which can increase your risk of 'medicinal side-effects'. 

Fruits, Salads, green vegetables/leaves, Sprouts -250 grammes

Curd/Yoghurt -250 grammes, 

Lemon juice with little salt/sugar.

Water -5-6 lit per day or more, daily slow sustained yoga type physiotherapy exercises as given in website is essential for good health of bones and body.

Daily brisk/speed walking for 1 hour, getting enough vitamin D from your diet, sunlight will decrease your risk.

Cycling outdoors and non-gym outdoor exercises such as brisk walking, using stairs at home and office, walk at work bring overall improvement in health, well being besides controlling and curing many diseases such as Hypertension, diabetes, depression, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, muscular pains and joint pains. 

Physical activity. Not exercising and being inactive or staying in bed for long periods can increase your risk.

Smoking. Smokers harm their blood circulation, damage all tissues in body by free radicals of smoke and absorb less calcium from their diets.

Medications. Some commonly used medicines can cause loss of bone mass. These include steroids used to control arthritis and asthma; some drugs used to treat seizures; some cancer drugs; and, too much thyroid hormone.

Low body weight. Women who are very thin – and small-boned – are at greater risk for osteoporosis.

Risk Factors You Can't Change

Gender. Women are at higher risk for osteoporosis than men. They have smaller bones and lose bone more rapidly than men do because of hormone changes that occur after menopause.

Age. Because bones become thinner with age, the older you are, the greater your risk of osteoporosis.

Ethnicity. Due to differences in bone mass and density compared with other ethnic groups, Caucasian and Asian women are at the highest risk for osteoporosis.

Family history. If a family member has osteoporosis or breaks a bone, there is a greater chance that you will too.

History of previous fracture. People who have had a fracture are at high risk of having another.

How Is Osteoporosis Diagnosed?

Osteoporosis is often called "silent" because bone loss occurs without symptoms. You may not know that you have osteoporosis until a sudden strain, bump, or fall causes one of your bones to break.

Stooped posture, back pain, and back fatigue.

Bone density test (BMD test):  This test is a measure of how strong – or dense – your bones are and can help your doctor predict your risk for having a fracture. Bone density tests are painless, safe, and require no preparation on your part.

Bone density tests compare your bone density to the bones of an average healthy young adult. The test result, known as a T-score, can tell you whether you have osteoporosis and helps predict your risk for having a fracture.

DEXA Scan (Dual X-ray Absorptiometry) : The most common osteoporosis test is dual X-ray absorptiometry -- also called DXA or DEXA. It measures people’s spine, hip, or total body bone density to help gauge fracture risk

How Can I Lower My Chances of Getting Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis treatments include the “basic AB CDEF’s” -- Activity for Bone calium & strength(C), vitamin D (D), weight-bearing exercise (E), prevention of Falls (F), and bone-friendly medicines.   

A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, a regular exercise program, and, in some cases, medication help protect your bones and slow bone loss

Nutrition :

People over 50 should get 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily. To do this, make foods that are high in calcium part of your diet. 

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. 

Exposure to sunlight causes your body to make vitamin D. Some people get all the vitamin D they need this way. However, many older people, especially those who are indoors most of the time and/or live in northern areas, are not getting enough vitamin D.

It is recommended people aged 51 to 70 should have 400 IU of vitamin D daily. People over 70 should have 600 IU.

Exercise :

Being very active and slow stretching Exercise  make bones and muscles stronger and help slow the rate of bone loss. It is also a way to stay active and mobile.

Weight-bearing exercise is often an option for osteoporosis patients, and helps your bones, as this article explains. 

Check with your doctor before starting a new fitness program.