Osteoporosis is a disease that thins and weakens the bones to the point that they become fragile and break easily.
When your bones are weakened by osteoporosis, a sudden strain, bump, or simple fall can cause a fracture or a break.
Chocolate or fruit? Type 2 diabetes/Osteoporosis is mostly caused by lifestyle choices.
BMD/DEXA scan reports
Risk Factors for Osteoporosis
Risk Factors You Can Change
Daily walking for 30 to 45 minutes with or without Walking aids
If you have OA of your hip or knee, when walking try using a cane (walking stick). Hold it in the hand on the opposite side of the body to the affected joint. This takes some pressure off the affected joint and helps to ease symptoms in some cases.
Diet - Vitamins, minerals, calcium should be obtained from natural dietary resources and
not by 'vitamin tablets/capsules' which can increase your risk of 'medicinal side-effects'.
Fruits, Salads, green vegetables/leaves, Sprouts -250 grammes
Curd/Yoghurt -250 grammes,
Lemon juice with little salt/sugar.
Water -5-6 lit per day or more, daily slow sustained yoga type physiotherapy exercises as given in website is essential for good health of bones and body.
Daily brisk/speed walking for 1 hour, getting enough vitamin D from your diet, sunlight will decrease your risk.
Cycling outdoors and non-gym outdoor exercises such as brisk walking, using stairs at home and office, walk at work bring overall improvement in health, well being besides controlling and curing many diseases such as Hypertension, diabetes, depression, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, muscular pains and joint pains.
Physical activity. Not exercising and being inactive or staying in bed for long periods can increase your risk.
Smoking. Smokers harm their blood circulation, damage all tissues in body by free radicals of smoke and absorb less calcium from their diets.
Medications. Some commonly used medicines can cause loss of bone mass. These include steroids used to control arthritis and asthma; some drugs used to treat seizures; some cancer drugs; and, too much thyroid hormone.
Low body weight. Women who are very thin – and small-boned – are at greater risk for osteoporosis.
Why I take the stairs at the BBC
Stair climbing is officially classed as "vigorous exercise", burns more calories per minute than jogging and improves cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength.
Apparently you burn one and a half calories for every 10 upward steps and one calorie for every 20 steps down.
Even a small amount of activity can make major health gains, and this is what the population really needs to be taught.
Every action, even a single step on a stair or standing up for a few seconds, can put you on a positive path to better health.
Brain 'can be trained to prefer healthy food'
One study has even found that if you have more plants and flowers around your house you are not only more likely to have a diverse array of bacteria on your skin, you are also less likely to be allergic
People of all ages should be encouraged to take more exercise according to a report by England's chief medical officer.
Sir Liam Donaldson says that exercise is a key factor in reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Adults should take 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week, children and young people 60 minutes.
Possible activities include walking to work or mowing the lawn.
How can I cut down on sugar?
"We need to reduce sugar intake but should not swap from sugar to fat", said Prof Susan Jebb of the University of Oxford.
"A greater proportion of our plate should be fruit and vegetables and more fibre-rich carbohydrates and whole grain."
Health benefits of a vegetarian diet
Risk Factors for Osteoporosis
Risk Factors You Can't Change
Gender. Women are at higher risk for osteoporosis than men. They have smaller bones and lose bone more rapidly than men do because of hormone changes that occur after menopause.
Age. Because bones become thinner with age, the older you are, the greater your risk of osteoporosis.
Ethnicity. Due to differences in bone mass and density compared with other ethnic groups, Caucasian and Asian women are at the highest risk for osteoporosis.
Family history. If a family member has osteoporosis or breaks a bone, there is a greater chance that you will too.
History of previous fracture. People who have had a fracture are at high risk of having another.
How Is Osteoporosis Diagnosed?
Osteoporosis is often called "silent" because bone loss occurs without symptoms. You may not know that you have osteoporosis until a sudden strain, bump, or fall causes one of your bones to break.
Stooped posture, back pain, and back fatigue.
Bone density test (BMD test): This test is a measure of how strong – or dense – your bones are and can help your doctor predict your risk for having a fracture. Bone density tests are painless, safe, and require no preparation on your part.
Bone density tests compare your bone density to the bones of an average healthy young adult. The test result, known as a T-score, can tell you whether you have osteoporosis and helps predict your risk for having a fracture.
DEXA Scan (Dual X-ray Absorptiometry) : The most common osteoporosis test is dual X-ray absorptiometry -- also called DXA or DEXA. It measures people’s spine, hip, or total body bone density to help gauge fracture risk
How Can I Lower My Chances of Getting Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis treatments include the “basic CDEF’s” -- calcium(C), vitamin D (D), weight-bearing exercise (E), prevention of Falls (F), and bone-friendly medicines.
A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, a regular exercise program, and, in some cases, medication can help protect your bones and slow bone loss
Nutrition :
People over 50 should get 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily. To do this, make foods that are high in calcium part of your diet. The most concentrated food sources of calcium include:
dairy products such as low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheeses.
If you have a diet that does not contain enough calcium, calcium suppliments can help fill the gap, ensuring that you meet your daily calcium requirement.
Calcium tablets and Vit. D injections should be considered later if dietary intake is not adequate as natural dietary calcium and sunshine is best for health
Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Exposure to sunlight causes your body to make vitamin D. Some people get all the vitamin D they need this way. However, many older people, especially those who are indoors most of the time and/or live in northern areas, are not getting enough vitamin D.
It is recommended people aged 51 to 70 should have 400 IU of vitamin D daily. People over 70 should have 600 IU.
Exercise :
Exercise can make bones and muscles stronger and help slow the rate of bone loss. It is also a way to stay active and mobile.
Weight-bearing exercise is often an option for osteoporosis patients, and it might even help your bones, as this article explains.
Check with your doctor before starting a new fitness program.